Why your best pair of ‘local’ storyboard artists might be right in front of your nose, right now.
What is ‘local’ anyway?
I used to live in Los Angeles, working freelance for commercial directors and ad agencies on site.
They’d brief me on site, and I’d work on site.
Geographically local.
But I also worked with creative directors and art directors who were in New York,
Pennsylvania, Florida, Texas and many other states as well.
‘Internet local’, if you like.
For them I’d take a brief via phone or email (most often a combination of both),
and email or upload their roughs, and later the final artwork.
Now I have lived in Santa Fe for over ten years, and almost all of my work has been ‘internet local’.
There are directors in Los Angeles I used to sit next to, who still prefer to work with me
than someone less able who just happens to be sitting in their room.
And in Los Angeles there’s lots of artists to choose from.
Some are great. Many more, not so much.
There are some creative professionals all over the United States who won’t use anyone else,
even though they’ve never seen my face.
They stick with their favorite ‘internet local’ choice, because they know they can trust
that I’ll listen carefully, understand what they want, or if they need some additional input,
that my suggestions come from a deep understanding of both the story telling process,
and the problem solving it entails.
They know I’ll have read the script, made some notes and be ready to have an
intelligent discussion before I pick up my pencil.
I’ll probably ask some pertinent questions, so they won’t be getting pestered during
the rough drawing stage, which may often be the case with less experienced artists.
So when they are prepping shoots in Canada, Spain, France, England or anywhere else, no biggie.
Internet local Steve’s right there with them.
They can focus on casting, while I get the storyboarding done.
And when those advertising agency art or creative directors move to new jobs in new states, no worries.
I go right along for the ride, wherever they end up. And for color jobs, Meridee’s ready to work her magic.
Finding someone really good that you can trust can be the really hard part
(hint: I’m right in front of you).
Thankfully keeping them around is easy.